BOOK REVIEW | The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

3 min readJul 16, 2020


The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a poignant tale of two friends. This book is set in the backdrop of Afganistan and the US during the period of the Taliban. Read on to know more about this book and why you should give it a try.

About the Book

  • Title: The Kite Runner.
  • Author: Khaled Hosseini.
  • Botopsy rating: 5/5⭐
  • Length of the book: 372 pages long.
  • Genre: Fiction/ Historical.


This book narrates the story of Amir and his servant Hassan. The boys live in Kabul and are companions in every crime. Every year they take part in the Kite fighting tournament and this year Amir wants them to fight with all the might and win it. Because it is the only chance for him to get close to his father and gain his father’s affection. Little did he know that this competition will change everything including Kabul. Amir and his father are forced to move out to the US, to Amir’s anguish leaving Hassan behind. An act of betrayal continuously haunts Amir and thus The Kite Runner becomes the story of Amir’s quest for redemption.

My views

I’ve already read A Thousand Splendid Suns and obviously loved it. I absolutely liked this book too. This book has its own pace and beauty. It will engross you into it and it will be forever before you come out of its world and characters. The plotline looks very simple and straightforward, but take my word, you will never feel bored out of it. Most of the people cherished its ending however, I could not enjoy the climax, I found it cliched. The ending felt to me like any other climax of Bollywood cinema, highly predictable. Well anyway, the important characteristic of this book is not its writing or the climax but the trait that distinguishes this book from other books is its character arc. Let me put it this way: This book has the greatest character arc. I know that it’s a bold statement to make, but the book and its characters justify it.

Writing Style

The writing style of The Kite Runner is simple, striking and powerful. The author chooses to narrate in the first person from the perspective of Amir. It begins in the middle of the story, when Amir gets a phone call in San Francisco in 2001calling him back to Afghanistan. It then throws the reader back to Kabul in 1975 where it begins to follow the story of Amir’s childhood. The smart usage os epiphanies and metaphors is what makes the book engaging and the writing meaningful.


This book, The Kite Runner, has the best character arc of the books that I’ve read. I learnt so much through the characters of Amir and Hassan. On one hand, the character of amir teaches us to be hopeful about the future ad to not repeat the same mistakes twice, on the other hand, Hassan shows us how to love selflessly.


You’d pick this book if:

  • You like character-oriented books.
  • You like reading emotional and heart-wrenching fiction.
  • You like reading books based on friendship.

You wouldn’t pick this book if:

  • You do not prefer harsh descriptions like sexual harassment.

In brief, I’d like to say that this book is a complete blockbuster pack of emotions, values, friendship and hope. Read the book for yourself and understand why this book is critically acclaimed. After you read the story of Amir and Hassan your life won’t be the same as it was, trust me on this.




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